“I can’t find that damn bucket! Where in the heck did “he” put it?”
Today, “He” just happened to be my adult son who is visiting — and helping out a great deal I might add! Most of the time “he” is someone from the past to whom is clearly attached to an old story! Sometimes it is, “where is my pipe wrench?” or something similar, then I set about telling myself the story that men don’t believe that women NEED tools. Mind you that “he” has not been around for many years! Sometimes it’s a story I tell myself about things being left unfinished by “him”. What an oxymoron, huh?
Okay, today, I locate an alternate bucket and make the beet pulp mash for Tobe, the senior citizen of the herd, only to walk in the barn to see the bucket right where I left it. That was my light bulb moment. One to show me just how often I get stuck in that old story pattern. I pondered just how much energy I give away getting stuck in those old stories that just are of no use to me today.
Some of our old stories are relatively minor, yet irritating, and perhaps not how we want to spend our precious energy. Other old stories carry much more charge – pain, reaction, coping strategies that don’t serve our highest good.
What old stories do you find yourself bumping up against? If you could change your reaction to that old story, what would you let go of? What new response do you want to create in it’s place?
Here’s to owning our stories and healing how those stories show up today!
How do your stories show up?
I would love to hear from you.
In joy,
Brenda & the herd