Contact Brenda today to schedule your free 15 minute exploration call! 406-261-6191 |
Speeding toward the U.S. border, along the deserted Canadian highway on a Friday afternoon a couple weeks ago, a large mule deer stepped out onto the road ahead forcing me to slow down. As I approached, several more made their way across. I easily could have resumed my speed to get back to my trip home and get the chores done before dark. But, I stopped. To my right there was the rest of the herd, perhaps 30 or more deer. I watched as they danced and skated and slid their way across the icy approach to the highway, an occasional cautious one looked to me to make sure it was safe. No cars in the review mirror and none approaching ahead. I stayed. I found myself pondering that morning at mom’s as I observed myself in a pattern or strategy that I often adopt. One of doing. I am great at taking action, at doing. I enjoy getting things done. I love to see progress and I often get positive feedback for my efforts. Sounds positive, productive, right? Yes, and ‘doing” is reinforced by our culture which rewards getting things done far over taking a breath and just being or taking a pause to connect with ourselves.
That very morning, after a spending the week getting my mom settled back into her apartment after a 17 day hospital stay, I sat down to reflect, journal and had hoped to start setting my intentions and calendar for this year. Here it came, restlessness. I jumped up. “What should I be doing next? I leave this afternoon.” I took a breath and sat back down only to repeat the give-in-to-restlessness pattern. It had been a very busy week and I was amazed at how much there had been to do; laundry, getting safety equipment in place, shopping, cooking, understanding medications and helping mom learn to take them and when, errands, rallying a team of neighbors to keep an eye, hiring some in-home help… And, then, I realized I was stuck in action mode with not really anything left to do before heading home that afternoon. I was not able to press pause. You know “be”, sit, relax, reflect, “do” nothing for a few minutes? I sent a text to my dear friend, mentor and coach, Peggy, about my observation of frequent my pattern. She called it my “strategy”. Sure enough. But a strategy to do what? Ha! There it was again. That familiar; “I have to… I need to… I don’t have time…” The action-doing-get-it-done mode takes over and it can be a real challenge! I know better. I coach people to create time to “be”, to give themselves permission to pause. I have read and understand that not taking time to “be” makes us less productive, less able to manage stress!
I remained stopped to allow the entire herd of deer to cross. I didn’t have to. Normally, I would have waited until it was safe and resume my “get to my destination” mode. Headlights appeared in my rearview mirror, still a long distance before the vehicle would reach this spot. Suddenly, as deer after deer crossed the highway in front of my truck, I felt my whole body relax. I was being! Allowing myself to be to pause and in the present moment. As the last deer made her decision to join her herd, I smiled. I thanked the herd as they made their way single file across the snow covered pasture in the distance. That few minutes of “being” was a beautiful remembering for me. It was allowing that deep pause that feels like I just took a deep breath after holding it. It’s taking a moment or so to check in, listen to that inner voice and be in my body. The horses are most often my go-to be still and are masters at helping us “be”. It is with them that I am most successful at sitting with, allowing the restlessness, the demands of “doing mode” to pass and allow “being” to settle in. That afternoon my permission to pause came from a herd of deer.
Do you find your action mode more than you would like? How do you allow yourself to pause? To connect within? To be still? What might happen if you gave yourself permission to pause?
Read what clients say about working with Brenda and the Horses!
It puts a big smile on my face remembering our session at Nancy’s last week. Awesome is the only word I can use to describe it. You were able to reach such deep reserves of personal history and work to let go, and free up hindrances and blocks that might have held me back. You helped me put to rest and forgive wounds from my father. That was such a gift. And, the experience with my horse was absolutely awe inspiring. To think that horses have this ability to tune in so deeply and so willingly to a person’s experience was wonderful to see, to feel, to become part of. I loved coming to know the horse in this unique and surprising and wondrous way… Thank you.
I had certain areas in my life that just weren’t working well for me. With the help of Brenda’s phone coaching, I was able to identify those areas and take steps to change how I was doing things. Not only did she give me concrete tools to use, she also gave me ways to change my perceptions; I now have a much healthier way of viewing my self, my life, and my challenges. I can take what I have learned from her and move forward now with greater confidence, self acceptance and empowerment. I feel she has been a huge blessing in my life.
Summer A.Montana
It is hard to describe Brenda in words but I will try. Brenda is gentle, kind, authentic and shows true grace in who she is. She holds such a calm and wonderful space for clients to be truthful and let go of the stories that are holding them back. Brenda in her authenticity allows her clients to find out who they are, and models being true to yourself. What a gift you are Brenda.
Chantel S.Kingman, Alberta, Canada
Brenda is intuitive and has a knack for making people feel at ease, making it easy to open up and talk. She is an amazing listener and demonstrates that she cares without judgment. Brenda is outgoing, a leader, truthful…
Marian AMontana
I’m very fortunate to be in the company of you and the other girls who are participants with your teaching method of healing oneself through the powerful force of the horse. Walking side by side with a giant and being aware of his size and power I felt secure in his company. I could feel his energy when I responded to the questions you asked me. I felt the ground under my feet for the first time in a very long time. The moment that Rio stood next to me our hearts meeting on the some plane was extraordinary- I will hold onto that moment always. You have the ability to make a person feel comfortable in this unique situation.
It is difficult to describe the fulfilling experiences I have had with Brenda and the horses. She brings out the best in those animals, and together they have brought healing to my heart and peace to my soul. These sessions are tailored to me and my needs, and my life experiences. Spending time with Brenda and the horses has quickly become my favorite thing in my tool box of Self Care, and I look forward to each time I get to be there.
Summer A.Montana
The whole process blew me away; the way that the horses drew out what needed to be addressed, your ability to read the horses, ask the right questions and lead us in pertinent directions, and the horses’ innate knowing of how to do this work. ….I was very honored to be the first human to interact with Hank in this work – he was amazing, and you are an amazing facilitator!
I’m so glad I did, it was so much more than I expected! Took me awhile to process all that happened, but I still have a calmness that I haven’t had in a long time if ever! Thank you!
I love this work that you do and the healing power of the horses. Thank you again for the healing circle. It is especially curious to me how each person’s sharing resonated with some part of me to be brought to mind for my own healing in association with theirs. Thank you!
Observing Brenda’s coaching is such a pleasure. Her manner is so soft and soothing. She give the feeling of an emotional “shoulder massage”, helping the client through the process.
Brenda’s presence alone has a beautiful way of helping her clients safely explore deeper parts of themselves.
Brenda provides a sacred, loving, safe space in which I was able to completely let of the emotions of overwhelm that I have carried for over 35 years. I felt absolutely safe…
I had a great time and got in touch with a part of me I did not realize was there. Brenda’s voice as a coach and voice for Equus is a gift to the healing community.
Sandy H.Montana
Brenda is a fabulous compassionate coach who guides her client safely through her work. Wonderful questions and a supportive way with the client allows for a great experience!
Marianne H.Washington
I was very touched with your insight and sensitivity to read your client, guide her through each emotion that came up for with synchronicity and flow. You are sensitive, encouraging and know exactly what your client needs to be asked to allow her to be where she needs to be.
Kim L.Washington
These horses were truly amazing, and are gifted in their ability to help! It was one of the most profound experiences I have ever had and I believe it has helped me a lot. Thank you so very much- I am planning to attend again…
C.R.Calgary, Alberta, Canada
I will never look at a horse the same way again!
Leonard H.Montana
Since my day with you and the horses, I have found a new acceptance toward life. I have begun to listen to and accept the longings of my deep heart before they develop into anxieties.
Yeah – stuff we all go through and it can apply to everyone at any time… But the point is seeing it as guided by Brenda’s path of questions, I describe it as a whole – I am able to put ‘that’ out of my body now- remove it from my todays life. Verbally stated – as I’ve done before – but this time there is a different feeling on a cellular level. The feeling isn’t in my head as it was in the past – It’s resolved in my throat, my feet on the ground and my heart – that is where I feel it now.
Brenda masterfully guided me through a pivotal dream piece. We had fun in the process and the message came through powerfully. Her horse, Frank, also masterfully brought support and answers that could not be denied. Thank you for the incredible awareness and support to follow through. What a team! Her Arab, Jett was also an important part of the process – holding space with fun and curiosity. I will be back.
Lisa A.Washington
Thank you Brenda, Frank and Jett and the Genius Loci of your enchanted corral. I trembled, went blank, left my body to check on memories, screamed myself through all the chakras, came back to my senses, felt the warmth of a giant beast renew my commitments. Your poignant guidance through various levels of blocked feelings was liberating and Frank’s gentle nibbles removed stagnant chi, resulting in painless sleep and a less indulgent concentration on a painful tumor. You are on the path of your inspirited soul, encouraging us to acknowledge our powers, gratitude and compassion towards our fellow travelers. As the Blackfoot say: The horses are coming, Ponokamita spumokit. May the beat of FOUR echo through the depth of your heart. Eksokapi.
WBBWhitefish, Motana
It puts a big smile on my face remembering our session at Nancy’s last week. Awesome is the only word I can use to describe it. You were able to reach such deep reserves of personal history and work to let go, and free up hindrances and blocks that might have held me back. You helped me put to rest and forgive wounds from my father. That was such a gift. And, the experience with my horse was absolutely awe inspiring. To think that horses have this ability to tune in so deeply and so willingly to a person’s experience was wonderful to see, to feel, to become part of. I loved coming to know the horse in this unique and surprising and wondrous way… Thank you.
I had certain areas in my life that just weren’t working well for me. With the help of Brenda’s phone coaching, I was able to identify those areas and take steps to change how I was doing things. Not only did she give me concrete tools to use, she also gave me ways to change my perceptions; I now have a much healthier way of viewing my self, my life, and my challenges. I can take what I have learned from her and move forward now with greater confidence, self acceptance and empowerment. I feel she has been a huge blessing in my life.
Summer A.Montana
It is hard to describe Brenda in words but I will try. Brenda is gentle, kind, authentic and shows true grace in who she is. She holds such a calm and wonderful space for clients to be truthful and let go of the stories that are holding them back. Brenda in her authenticity allows her clients to find out who they are, and models being true to yourself. What a gift you are Brenda.
Chantel S.Kingman, Alberta, Canada
Brenda is intuitive and has a knack for making people feel at ease, making it easy to open up and talk. She is an amazing listener and demonstrates that she cares without judgment. Brenda is outgoing, a leader, truthful…