This time of year I really start thinking about Grit with Grace – the kind that sometimes stretches my self-reliance skills – a lot of “do it herself” tasks. This kind of Grit with Grace is having some self-reliance skills, what I call basic survival skills, which are not always easy.
I recently had such a time. My everyday truck, which I call Grace, got a puncture in one of her tires. I could hear the air rushing out and knew I couldn’t get all the way back to town. It has been years since I had to change a tire – I am confident that I know how. Well, maybe not with this newer truck… First step, where is the jack? A good idea to know BEFORE you need it! The trusty owner’s manual directed me to a crazy place under the seat and it didn’t want to come out. Great. Got it out. Next, how in the world do I get the spare out from under the truck? They don’t make that easy or clear either! I followed the instructions and gave up. Feeling pretty frustrated with many things to do and a trip in just over a day, I strategized how to handle this. Time was short. I had arrangements to borrow a portable air tank (I know them as air pigs); I considered calling for road side assistance which is often many hours getting to where I live; I considered driving Grit (she is my old 1 ton work truck) to the airport.

The next morning, with a pancake flat tire, I felt a feeling I recognize as one I will do most anything to avoid – TRAPPED! I considered options and had little time to exercise any but to give it a serious go at changing the tire myself! I started and gave up. I started again and gave up and again. I succeeded in lowering the tire. Then, it was time to break the lug nuts loose. The conversation with myself went kind of like this:
The less confident and overwhelmed side of me: “Okay, Brenda, you are not as strong as you once were. What if you can’t do it? What if you hurt yourself? What if you CAN’T do it? It’s going to be HARD.”
The go for it, self reliant side (and a bit of the “oh yeah, watch me!” side): “Oh my gosh! Just stop it! You know how to do this and at least give it your best shot! If you have to have help and wait until you get back from your trip, so be it. Remember you are resourceful!. Now just DO IT!”
Success after a you tube how to video! The L Shaped lug nut wrench is standard equipment and not helpful at all. The Star Wrench is the ticket. 4 sizes of sockets and lots of leverage to loosen and tighten lug nuts. The back up scissor jack. Whew! And the hydraulic bottle jack is easy to use. Success!!! Supervision and Grit to the side.
And, yes, I can still do it! Although, breaking those lug nuts loose was really, really hard and I almost gave up several times! What was most important to me was not giving up. Knowing how to do things such as how to change a tire and how to do it safely (I actually used, not one but, two Jacks!) without hurting myself feels so empowering. I have been blessed in my life to have had many teachers to show me how to know how to do things, how to be willing to figure things out AND to do them. What motivated me to not give up? That’s what I call Grit. And I am extremely motivated by my need to avoid feeling trapped. When I feel trapped it sure doesn’t feel anywhere near Grace!
What about you? What motivates you when you are faced with uncomfortable feelings? What motivates you when you are faced with challenges?
I will be resuming the fun Grit with Grace – just in case you have to! workshops soon. Learn a hands on skill, have some fun and experience some confidence raising coaching with the horses.
Have a Grit with Grace story? I would love to hear it!
Let’s get inspired!
Brenda & the herd
“Changing stories from “No I can’t, to YES I can!”