Contact Brenda today to schedule your free 15 minute exploration call! 406-261-6191 |

Latest Past Events


  We are excited to bring you our new winter coaching group! We all have stories - some that instilled a few or a whole lot of limiting beliefs within us.  Are you ready to release limiting beliefs so you can truly be you? So your own well-being becomes a priority? So you can live […]

What About You? Self-care for Parents

Greater Good Ranch Kila

Parents, no matter the age of your children, parenting is not always easy. Stressed out parents often result in stressed out kids which can turn into a tough cycle. Join this 3 hour experiential workshop for parents on overwhelm. You are important! Join the healing horses and supportive coaching and take time out just for you. […]


Valentine’s Weekend OPEN Drop In Group!

Valentine’s Day. We are not talking Cupid and chocolates and candlelight.  We are talking connection with the horses, with ourselves, with each other!  Whether you are single or a couple, the horses can help us get centered in our hearts, connect with each other through our hearts AND connect heart to heart with the horses. […]