As I ponder my intentions for the new year, I find myself amazed that we are already in the 18th year of this 21st century full of its uncertainties and unknowns. Uncertainty sure can make us squirm and shift into worry or we can shift into the excitement of the possibilities within uncertainty. Whether it is the uncertainty of what this year will unfold on a level in which we have no control or on a personal level of perhaps wondering, “Can I do it?”, we can choose how we want to dance with the unknown. Deep down I am a believer that we are full of unlimited possibilities but and I can get caught up on the scarier side of doubt and judgement within uncertainty.
I love what David Robinson writes in his book the seer:
Judgement is nothing more than a signal that you’ve left your comfort zone. It’s a siren that says, “You’ve come to an edge.” For adults, all learning happens at the edges – because we have learned that it is uncomfortable to “not know.” The first thing that we do when we are uncomfortable is to judge ourselves and/or others. In that moment you have a choice: you can invest in the judgement or you can suspend your judgement and learn. p 68
One of my intentions for 2018 is to reach for the excitement of possibilities within the unknowns. I can’t wait to see what I learn this year! What about you? How will you choose to dance with uncertainty this year?
In joy and possibilities,
Coach Brenda